Friday, October 7, 2011


"Going to the moon's no problem, all we need is a rocket."
Mickey Mouse

I love the simplicity of this quote -- he gets right to it. All we do need is a rocket. Sure we need lots of other things but if we had all those other things, like scientists and trajectories and ground control -- they don't actually get you to the moon. Not in the literal sense. It's the rocket that gets you there.

And I can make a writing analogy! Writing a book's no problem, all you need is a plot.

Sure you need characters, and description and deep point of view, but none of those will write you a book. It might write you something, but it'll be boring. Sorry.

This quote makes me smile -- and makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. What's your fave quote, and tell me why.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! You're right. It makes me feel like I can accomplish anything too.

    I collect quotes :) so it's hard to pick only one or two.
