Monday, October 3, 2011


So, I realized I haven't been around lately. Oh, I've been around -- to lots of blogs, just not at my own blog.  Natalie Hartford visited and said she liked my goals -- er, um, those were from the first week in September. Talk about a slacker -- actually, let's not.

It's all good though. I'm already motivated for the next go around. I'm just not going to try for the big bang.

Think Small

Yup. No grandiose goals of finishing a WIP in 17 days, or brainstorming an entire plot in a caffeinated induced state of delusional genius-osity. Nope.

ROW80 taught me a few things about myself, I really like coming up with goals and I'm really bad at achieving them. Look, I'm a positive person -- I make Pollyanna look like a crab -- but these goals I made for myself were not conducive to me achieving them. I also learned, I have to actually make time to write, can't just wait for it to happen. Sheesh, who knew?

100 words a day -- no. matter. what. I don't care if I do have a life, I can eek out 100 words a day.

2 blogs a week (ROW80 check-ins do not, do. not. count.

Visit (at least) 5 other Row-ers of the 80 a week. 

That's it girls and boys. This makes me ridiculously happy. Baby goals, yay!


  1. Your goals are very similar to mine...go baby steps :) Good luck and I'm looking forward to getting to know you during round 4.

  2. You know what they say about brilliant minds ... :)

    I toned down my goals for this round as well. I needed to be more realistic, that way I can surprise myself if I do more and not feel too bad if I don't quite make it.

    Hope you reach your goals!

  3. raelyn, I had to go small, I'm going to check in with your goals right now!

    K.V.! Exactly. I'm hoping to surprise myself as well. Yesterday and today were spent writing a resume (I'm not counting that towards my 100 words) and applying for a new job. phew.
